About Me

I am a Reformed Protestant Christian, and a member of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia.
I am currently undertaking a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Western Australia, majoring in Ancient History.
I am also taking studies in Biblical Counselling at CCEF.

I am also a composer, conductor, organist and tuba player, and have a strong passion for music.

I believe in the Bible as the infallible Word of God. The Holy Scriptures were inspired by God, and He Himself is the author of them (2 Peter 1:21). For more on what I believe, click here.

I also wholeheartedly subscribe to the following:
- The Three Forms of Unity: The Belgic Confession, The Heidelberg Catechism and The Canons of Dort
- The Apostles', Nicene and Athanasian creeds.

Coram Deo.